We were invited to this very private launch of the new Renault Gordini, which at first sight delivered nothing really shiny apart from a few free champagne cups.

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Buffet froid at l'atelier Renault

But the organization had decided to hire Tête d’Affiche (DJ booking agency), André (graffiti painter and co-owner of the clubs le Baron and le Montana) and la Clique to celebrate it.

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Marco Dos Santos

So, the night included Marco dos Santos mixing until 12pm and a live painting performance by André, which made this launch more interesting for the attendees who weren’t die-hard fans of the brand (but there were naturally just a few of them).

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This collaboration associated—perhaps confronted, even—people from the creative sector, from the Parisian “monde de la nuit,” and suit-wearing Renault management VIPs (sans doute), vintage car fans, etc…

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Andre Performance

It was in this setting that the presentation of the new car and the celebration took place. Thanks to Renault, the bars never got empty and for a few hours this eclectic gathering found a temporary symbiosis. People didn’t dance, but the crowd was lively.

At 11.30pm, some attendees returned home, while others headed on to le Baron to finish the night, where Marco would have more dance success.

This unexpected collaboration reflects an interesting desire on Renault’s part to refresh the brand by linking the launch of their new car with both Parisian night life professionals and the always growing reputation and importance of la Clique crew

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