For her FW19/20 collection & first exhibition, Diane Ducasse (Da/Da) has invited us at Vincent Darré’s showroom This season, Role Models are our superheroes. The DA/DA woman has supernatural powers. She puts on her clothes as Mum, Wife, Company Leader, Big Sister, Daughter…to face the stages of her life. One day, a suit to speak in front of his associates, another day a bold cape with black gloves to play with her children, the next day a frock coat for a romantic dinner with her lover or a kilt for the Sunday lunch with the family. All the while retain the flexibility to run through all of those events in one day in our outfit. DA/DA sets the tone, the Fall/Winter 2019 season will be a tribute to all those women who are admired for their elegance in all circumstances.
Photos: Alek Katar