Chef Peter Karam, who used to work for 90’s fashion legend Jean Paul Gaultier, opened Cuisson, his restaurant in le Marais, based on a mantra of cooking yummy and balanced dishes for the cute, busy chicks of the area. The focus is on sandwiches, bagnas, and salads. The setting of the restaurants is minimalist and all the dishes are fresh and savory–as we expect the showroom assistants coming for a salade d’automne to be. Kind of the new Marais spot for a fast refueling for breakfast in the morning, for a quick lunch, or for an afternoon break  You can eat in the restaurant, take away, or have it delivered in the area by bike.

65 rue de Saintonge 75003
Tel : 01 44 78 96 92
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-7pm

[googleMap name=”Cuisson” description=”65 rue de Saintonge ” width=”600″ height=”200″ mousewheel=”false” directions_to=”false”]65 rue de Saintonge 75003 paris[/googleMap]