Vice and Intel teamed up for some kind of corporate foundation named Creators Project. It was the opportunity for Intel to demonstrate that they are not only geeks, but also are cool people able to organize parties with open bars, hot chicks and chill artists. Surprisingly they managed to do it. It was organized over the course of three days at la Gaité Lyrique (the museum and concert space dedicated to cool geeks) and for the final night they invited Yuskek and Adam Kesher.

La Gaité Lyrique / 3 bis rue Papin, 75003 / Metro: Arts et Métiers

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Adam Kesher

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique


Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique


Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique


Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique


Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique

Romain Gavras

Creators Project at la Gaité Lyrique


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