American Diner in Latin Quarter

Owned by an American screenwriter established in Paris, Breakfast in America (BIA) is a piece of the USA near the Sorbonne. Hollywood movie posters are on the wall and the furniture comes straight from Happy Days. Breakfast is served all day, the hamburgers are very good and the coffee mugs are never empty. Furthermore, it‘s cheap (prices run between 8 and 15€ ).

Adress: 17, rue des ecoles
Arrondissement: 75005 PARIS
Tel: 01 43 54 50 28
metro: Maubert-Mutualite

Breakfast in america


[googleMap name=”B.I.A” description=”17, rue des ecoles” width=”600″ height=”250″ mousewheel=”false” directions_to=”false”]17, rue des ecoles, Paris[/googleMap]