Innovation and digital focused Concept store

Founded by the team of the sexy-smart digital culture magazine “Amusement” and located next to the new Parisian temple of digital creation la Gaite Lyrique, the Amusement Creative Shop is a paradise for geek-ish hipsters. Like most concept stores, the shop sells a selection of products from Japan, Korea, the USA, and limited edition avant-garde products but also offers more original services like “custom made” video games, selling of digital arts, presentations of very innovative prototypes, and co-production with brands of service and products .

3 bis Rue Papin – 75003
metro:  Réaumur Sebastopol

AMUSEMENT creative-store at La Gaité Lyrique

AMUSEMENT creative-store at La Gaité Lyrique

[googleMap name=”AMUSEMENT creative-store at La Gaité Lyrique” description=”3 bis, rue Papin” width=”600″ height=”250″ mousewheel=”false” directions_to=”false”]3 bis, rue Papin, 75003 Paris[/googleMap]