13054956_10205446252987383_935849851_oSelfies is a project focused on femininity and digital. The online business led by our fingertips via the screens. The visual pleasure and attraction felt for an attractive woman. The emphasis on virtual identity by our generation permit the emergence of various female personalities, usually very assertive. The approval system (liked and followers) pooled by all social networks leads a constant virtual voyeurism and we can observe that online reputation records are held by quiet young girls regularly putting their physical assets forward.

13062782_10205446251387343_974406327_o13063991_10205446250707326_2044658633_o 13090872_10205446252907381_1220165273_oMaya Coline thought the SELFIES perfomance, as an experience suppose to provocated puclic’s questionement. Girls taking selfies of them self, ignoring what’s is going around, a girl skyping across a tv screen, another one perfoming via snapchat, intimitate atmosphère and whispering song as the sound of the girls consciousnesse. It can feel like be in the head of someone, or it can feel like an over egocentrisme time.

Whatever it show us how digital uninhibits manners and how women are now claiming them sexuality as a plenght of strenght and independance. Maya, Clem, Gaia, Jo, Yasmine, Ashley and Angelina, are all different and yet they are all conscious of the power that they have and the possibility get incredible social recognition, by doing selfis. Here is a door a open to show women creativity and more…

maya scan (7)maya scan (3)maya scan (4)maya scan (2)

With the participation of Aalyiah Rosales, Zoé Kestan, Angelina Woreth, Gaïa Orgeas, Jo Vankerckhove, Ashley Parango, Clem Sbocaj.


Instagram : @selfiesgirls